Thursday, February 9, 2023

Michael K. Jaco SEAL Verification

Another character in the bizarre world of conspiracy, secret space programs, and self-described superpowers is Michael K. Jaco.

Jaco claims various abilities including remote viewing, levitation, walking on water, and passing through walls.  He offers various courses for sale on his website:

Like many others, Jaco predicates the credibility of his claims on his military service, and with so many of these grifters being exposed as frauds, people want to know - Is Michael Jaco really a former US Navy SEAL?

A search for Michael K. Jaco resulted in a detailed biography that lists his dates of service, duty assignments, and graduation from BUD/S Class 116 on February 26, 1982.  Those details are consistent with information provided by the Navy SEAL Museum.

"Michael Jaco was born and raised in Columbia, South Carolina. He enlisted in the United States Navy in November 1978 and started his career as a Navy Hard Hat Diver. He volunteered for Basic Underwater Demolition/Sea Air and Land (BUD/S) training in August 1981. He completed BUD/S training 6 months later with class 116 in February 1982. Upon leaving the US Navy in December 2002 he served as a High-Risk Security Contractor."

Since 2018, Jaco has been active on websites, interviews, and paid speaking engagements.  He is listed as being a presenter for an upcoming "Ascension Retreat" in Sedona, AZ.

Shipley Videos:

Retired USN SCPO/SEAL Don Shipley has verified Jaco's claims on a number of occasions.  Shipley maintains a database listing the names and information of every UDT/SEAL member since the 1940s and provides SEAL verifications on his website for a small fee.

As a member of that website, I have access to his videos that mention Jaco.

Although Shipley confirms Jaco's service as a Navy SEAL, he does not have much respect for him due to his lying about being in the Secret Space Program, having superhuman capabilities, and especially for his connection to a phony SEAL, fake "super soldier" and convicted child molester fugitive William Newel Brockbrader.

Since most people who are skeptical of Jaco's service claims may not be aware of or subscribe to Shipley's website or verifications of SEAL claims, including Jaco. I decided to request a verification of Jaco in order to present the evidence more publicly.

Don Shipley's Response:


"I make it a point to never bad-mouth SEALs, but Michael Jaco is the

First... Michael is a legit former SEAL.

Second... Michael, as a legit former SEAL, is completely full of crap in his books and blogs. Full of crap, because he doesn't even believe the dribble he writes, he just writes it to sell BS to the unsuspecting.

Michael is desperately trying to be somebody and make a buck, so he concocts fairytales. When he isn't making up stories about be a reincarnated Egyptian Prince, (he doesn't actually believe he was one) 

He deceives about taking part in the Bin Laden raid by saying "he can't confirm or deny" he was involved leading people to believe he was.
I'll confirm it... He wasn't there and took no part in it.

His latest BS is his claim about traveling to Venus and Mars and that crap
in Germany about SF guys raiding a CIA server farm that Jaco claims to have
first-hand knowledge about. He doesn't know squat about it because it never
happened in the first place.

Finally... I worked for three years exposing Phony SEAL/Pedophile Bill
Brockbrader and along comes Jaco claiming he remembers him in SEAL Training
which is a proven total lie. 

Michael sided with Brockbrader the pedophile because Brockbrader was an up-and-coming con-artist in the Conspiracy Theory world and Michael LATCHED onto Brockbraders coat tails because Michael needed money.

I've seen SEALs do some screwed-up things, but I never saw one sell his
Trident to a phony let alone one who was dishonorably discharged for
molesting an 11-year-old family member for years and served lots of time
behind bars for doing it, Bill Brockbrader."

I don't think much of Jaco as you can probably tell.


William Brockbrader was convicted and incarcerated while in the US Navy and given a Dishonorable Discharge for misconduct. He would later go to trial in 1998 and receive a sentence of 11 years in Federal Prison of which he served only 3 years.

"For a period of two years, US Marshals said Brockbrader moved from various states and refused to register as a sex offender. Marshals said he was mainly bouncing from Utah to Las Vegas, NV. Authorities said Brockbrader was arrested twice for violating the Adam Walsh Act, and in 2012 he found himself in court again and on trial. Brockbrader was found guilty and sentenced to another 30 months behind bars in Seattle, Washington."

Brockbrader was highlighted as a fugitive on an episode of "In Pursuit With John Walsh" called "Stolen Lives" at 10pm EST on September 1, 2021, on the Discovery ID Channel.

In this YouTube video, Shipley rips into those that supported him including Eva Moore, Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock, and Michael Jaco.

Despite the efforts of so many, the 2021 episode did not result in the apprehension of Brockbrader.

William Brockbrader remains a fugitive since 2015

Shipley Videos on Barockbrader: