Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Peter Moon - Long Time grifter and supporter of hoaxes has separated himself from Douglas Dietrich

Peter Moon, (Vincent Barbarick) the aging, discredited former Scientologist and fiction writer of the debunked "Montauk Project" series and promoter of the "Philadelphia Experiment" hoax has apparently separated himself from Douglas Dietrich.

Moon became a fixture as a guest and co-host of Dietrich's YouTube channel in 2018. But he abruptly distanced himself from Dietrich recently due to reported family and personal medical issues.  

The public statement by Moon as presented by Douglas Dietrich (no date was provided):

"Due to a medical emergency, Peter Moon will no longer be participating in his regular podcasts with Douglas Dietrich.  This has also resulted in the book being postponed.  He also wants you to know that his departure is not a condemnation or protest of the work he has been involved in with Douglas.  Peter is in good hands with practitioners and friends who are looking after his necessary interests.  His Chi Gong (Qigong) practice has prevented any serious damage and he expects a full recovery."

Dietrich then proceeded to predicate his latest attack on Moon by relating a bizarre series of reasons for accusing Moon of involvement in the "Dark Arts". He claimed, as he previously had against SFC Jonn Lilyea, 
(Ret), that Moon had been attempting to summon entities or cast spells against him that "backfired" resulting in his recent heart attack and/or stroke.  

Dietrich claimed that over the past two months, Peter Moon had become "mentally unstable" or insane.  No mention was made of his recent trip to Romania where he fell ill with Shigella-like symptoms for more than a week.  But Dietrich claimed Moon was practicing the "dark arts" daily attempting to cast "binding spells" writing on and placing stone tablets wrapped in leaves into his refrigerator.

Douglas Dietrich finally stated that Moon's efforts had failed because of his previous possession by Lucifer (Melek Taus) at the Presidio Library during the "Night of the Broken Circle." Dietrich said, "I AM THE PROPERTY OF LUCIFER".

The series of Dietrich's recent YouTube live streams eventually reveal that Dietrich had used his unnamed associates to surreptitiously call/harass Peter Moon by phone and contact the Police in Long Island, NY to conduct a "wellness check" of Vincent Barbarick. 

Dietrich has used the same tactics in the past against numerous people.

"The Book:"

A book that Peter Moon had spent 3 years transcribing and writing for Dietrich to eventually publish and sell privately for hundreds of dollars per copy as a "leather-bound biography and "tribute to Douglas Dietrich's life and work",  is now revealed to be another pathetically written and constructed literary confusion by Moon.

The bizarre work mentions nothing about Dietrich's mother's fictional sinister sexual involvement with Hitler in detail to establish his claim to be his son, nor does it mention Dietrich's previous false claims of service in the US Marine Corps or the SFD Police Department.

In addition to "publishing" a skeletal, semi-redacted/edited version of what was expected to be a book about to be sent to a publisher by Peter Moon, Dietrich continued his attacks on Moon for nearly a month on his YouTube live stream "shows" publicly revealing that his Romanian wife (Paula) had recently divorced him and that contrary to Dietrich's earlier story, said Moon had faked his illnesses to precede his separation from Dietrich.

Dietrich wasted no time, however, in gathering up what he had of the unpublished work provided to him by Moon, and hastily publishing the messy draft version himself as an "E-book"  using "Smashwords" 


He created a slimy "book cover" using a typical Asian cosplay image he published as being of himself while proclaiming in the title he is the "Struggling son of Adolf Hitler" and Peter Moon is the "Madman" who wrote about him!


These images are of the same female Asian cosplayer Dietrich used on the cover of his latest book:

Smashwords does not use digital rights management.  


The "book"  is a disjointed, rambling piece of literary shit typical of Peter Moon and his previous work(s) that has little to reveal about Douglas Dietrich himself, leaving huge gaps in his fake biographical history, and more bizarre historical and fictional topics having no connection to Dietrich at all. 

Check out the word salad mess of writing in the description!

"Struggling w / both his Legacy & having been born into inhumanly impoverished circumstances, the Biological Son of Adolf Hitler was led into an early Career that took him into Forbidden & Classified Areas under-Lïaïson to The Late Colonel-Doctor Michael Aquino involving Crypto-Top Secret Projects; his Experiences now woven into the Hidden History of clashing Civilizations & Forgotten Cosmologies.

The Biological Son of Adolf Hitler has been struggling with both his Legacy and his having been born into inhumanly ( as well as inhumanely ) impoverished circumstances that led him into life-destructive decisions involving Career Choices that took him , under-conditions of Professional situationalism , into Forbidden and Cosmically Classified Areas of Responsibility under-Lïaïson to The Late Colonel-Doctor Michael Aquino while Working – in both The Magickal and Bureaucratic sense(s ) – on Above-&-Beyond Crypto-Top Secret Projects that have ever since afflicted him with CPTSD ( Complex PostTraumatic Stress Disorder ) . The general outline of his Experiences are woven into the Historical Context of The Clash of Civilizations and Forgotten Cosmologies . Three hundred pages dost not do it justice and necessitates a Near-Future Revision , Expansion and Republication ."

Dietrich claims that Peter Moon became obsessed with the "blood boys" (a group of homosexual/transgender male, teenage orphans Dietrich uses for his vampiric lust for blood kept on a secret private "Estate" somewhere in Silicon Valley) and wanted to obtain the "Vox Arca" for himself.  

The "Vox Arca" according to Douglas Dietrich, is a black-magic device in the form of a mask, made of various dead human and animal body parts that are used in rituals to summon "the anti-gods".

Dietrich claims he stole the Vox Arca from Michael Aquino and the "mask" is capable of causing the destruction of the world. But it is obvious that he uses various Asian cosplay images he claims to be his own to portray his fiction.  

These images were included with Dietrich's comments in the book Moon refused to publish:

"Whenever I run diagnostics on the Vox Arca, there is the potential to trigger a limited incursion of the Anti-gods. While this does not necessarily mean destruc- tion of the fabric of time and space in our regional uni- verse, it is enough to change the world as we know it, and by that, I mean to change it completely."

"Putting it on is risky in itself because I can feel where it pinches as its tendrils extend to my throat and cheeks. A false move or two, and I could lose my capacity to speak. I also take a pig’s heart, the closest thing to a human heart, and feed it into the grinding mechanism of the Vox Arca. This prevents it from grinding my tongue whereupon I will reward it with another heart from a pig". - Chapter 28, "Equity of the Gods"

Dietrich and his current group of "flying monkeys" continue to attack and slander Vincent Barbarick and others using his YouTube channel.

UPDATE: October 15, 2024

This notification by Smashwords.com for Dietrich's book has appeared within the past 24 hours.  

Dietrich has posted the link as a comment following his Livestream which ended at approximately 9 am EST today.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdOISa8-f54&t=41979s

One of his monkeys "El Nemo" posted the same link in the live comments several times during the night and just before the stream ended at 9 am EST.

Dietrich has not yet removed the link he posted as his comment. or the links posted by "El Nemo".

Is Dietrich intentionally misleading his viewers to click on the link to purchase his non-existent BS book?  Or was he not aware that the book had been removed by Smashwords.com?

I believe that the "book" may have been removed without his knowledge during his own livestream!

Could Vincent Barbarick (Peter Moon) have submitted a written complaint to Smashwords.com alleging copyright infringement and defamation by Douglas Dietrich?


- Did Douglas Dietrich violate Smashwords.com Terms of Service when he published a version of the book being written and edited by Moon without his consent?

- Did Dietrich's use of the book's title also constitute a "Defamatory" infringement of Peter Moon's work?

- Has Dietrich committed fraud by publishing an unauthorized version of Peter Moon's work and receiving 85% of each sale ($8.50) in royalties?

More to follow:

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Miguel A. Valles-Ramirez National Archives (NPRC) FOIA Response

Monday, November 14, 2022

US Government Records show Miguel "Mike" Valles served less than two years in the U.S. Army - Was Not a "Green Beret"  


After resubmitting a previous FOIA request to the NPRC, I have received the following response:

The response provides an NA Form 13164 and includes the previously requested information that shows Valles served 5 months in Vietnam assigned to the 503rd Infantry Regt.,  173rd Airborne Brigade.

503rd Infantry Regiment

NARA Cover Letter

NA Form 13164

173rd Airborne Brigade

Duty Assignments

Decorations and Awards



Combat Infantryman Badge, Basic Parachutist Badge, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Rifle Marksman Badge (not shown), Pistol Expert Badge (not shown)


Miguel Angel Valles-Ramirez enlisted in the US Army on March 30, 1970. The NPRC shows his "Place of Entry" as Ft. Bragg, NC in April 1970 where he completed Basic Training. After completing Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Ord, California in August 1970,  Valles then reported to Basic Airborne Training at Ft. Benning, GA from August 15 to September 12, 1970.

On September 17, 1970, Valles reported to B Company, 1st BN (ABN) 505th Infantry Ft. Bragg, NC. where he remained as a rifleman (11B1P) until December 4, 1970, when he was given leave until December 31, 1970, before departing by ship for US Army Pacific Command and Vietnam.

Valles reported to D Co, 2nd BN (ABN)  503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade (USARPAC) where he served for five months from 13 Feb to 21 July 1971. The 173rd ABN had already begun its preparation to redeploy from Vietnam and the unit along with Valles returned to Ft. Campbell, KY.  The unit has the distinction of being one of the last units to leave Vietnam. The 173rd Airborne Brigade was later inactivated in 1972.

Valles's last assignment was for out-processing with the 545th PSC Detachment at Ft. Campbell, KY in September 1971 where he was discharged on December 2, 1971.

These documents are proof that Miguel Valles was NOT a Green Beret and did not serve "two tours in Vietnam" as claimed by author Philip Carlo as related to him by the serial killer Richard Ramirez.  

It also proves that the claims made by Douglas Dietrich and his publisher Vincent Barbarick (Peter Moon) are false.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Charles James Hall Verification of Military Service


I was recently contacted by a colleague who asked if I would investigate the military service claims of Charles James Hall.

Hall is well known in the UFO/Conspiracy community as having written a series of books detailing his experiences with "Tall White" Aliens at Nellis AFB, NV from 1964-67.  

"I enlisted in the USAF in July 1964. After completing basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, I was trained as a USAF weather observer at USAF Weather Training School at Chanute AFB, Illinois. My duties were that of a USAF weather observer during my entire service in the USAF." 

Hall does not name the Weather Squadron he was assigned:

In late March or early April of 1965, I was assigned to the weather squadron stationed at Nellis AFB at Las Vegas, Nevada. I was stationed at Nellis AFB from the early spring of 1965 until May 1967.

Hall claims "Temporary Assigned Duty" (TAD) to range sites at Indian Springs, NV.

While I was permanently stationed at Nellis AFB, Nevada, I was assigned to several temporary tours of duty as the duty weather observer to the Nellis gunnery ranges that are located at Indian Springs, Nevada."

In an undated, unattributed Viewzone.com article titled "Disclose This! Part Three: Tall White Aliens in Vegas: The Charles Hall Experience"  http://www.viewzone.com/event33.htm  The writer describes Hall and his story as follows:

"This is certainly the most under-reported story you have never heard of. And this Part 3 of the series will change that.

All the people, and they are not many, who have researched this case and interviewed Charles Hall, come away with an extremely positive impression as to his sincerity, veracity and general togetherness. He is a likeable person and a gentleman -- old school. A soft-spoken family man and nuclear physicist. There is not one hint of Charles James Hall being a cleverly disguised genius writer-hoaxer who just happens to not have the knack to become a millionaire with his story.

Simply because every alien movie that this author is aware of pales against the Tall Whites in Vegas. Originally written as a fictional account with changed names and locations to protect himself and those who had served with him in the Air Force, Charles Hall later made clear that his series of four books, "Millenial Hospitality", is as close to a documentary as possible."

A documentary was eventually produced and directed by Emil Marczak in 2020 for Amazon Prime titled "Walking with the Tall Whites". 



USAF Bootcamp photo 1964

Hall (center) in USAF Bootcamp 1964

In the first 12 minutes of the documentary, Hall details his service in Vietnam beginning in 1967. 

The documentary includes several photographs taken of Hall in Vietnam.

The first three photographs show Hall in combat/utility uniform wearing the rank of Sr. Airman/Sgt. He is armed with a CAR-15 service rifle.

Were all USAF Weather Observers issued a CAR-15 and two pouches for six 20-round magazines?

The images in the documentary also appear to show permanent buildings with power lines and poles extending for hundreds of yards as well as outdoor lighting as exampled in the image below.


Hall appears to be shaving with a knife or bayonet

What's wrong with this picture?

Image posted by Charles J Hall in a July 3, 2023 video

Hall has a secret "Photon theory" and is trying to sell books:

David Hilton:

Researcher David Hilton submitted a National Archives Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Mo in August of 2015.  



Hilton received a response from the NPRC in November 2015 which stated no record of Charles James Hall's military service was located.

2015 NPRC Response to David Hilton FOIA Request

From the 2020 Documentary:

"I was given the choice of re-enlisting and becoming an Officer and being the Duty Weather Observer for my entire career out in the ranges, or if I elected to go to Vietnam they would send me to Cameron Bay which was of the nicest places to get sent to because you weren't really under fire or anything.  When I got back I would only have two and a half months left of my enlistment so I would be discharged and I could go home."

"And since I was quite homesick at the time I decided to take Vietnam because I was expecting to get sent to Cameron Bay and to have an easy rest tour after all the stuff I had been in out on the ranges." - Charles J. Hall

Hall claimed that when he arrived to report to Headquarters with his orders in Vietnam near Saigon, the South Vietnamese airbase at Binh Thuy near the Mekong River had been attacked with American casualties. Hall said that a Sergeant processing him tore up his orders to Cameron Bay and then typed new orders to report to the air base at Binh Thuy.

Hall's bio for Goodreads states: "Charles received an award for surviving more than 35 communist attacks". 


Hall's awards as shown in the 2020 Amazon Prime documentary

Awards Claimed:

(From top left to right):

*Air Force Commendation Medal 
  Air Force Good Conduct Medal
  National Defense Service Medal
  Vietnam Service Medal w/Bronze Star
  The Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross w/Palm
  USAF Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal

*(Citation reads: "Sergeant Charles J Hall - For Meritorious Service 11 May 1967 to 11 March 1968)

Highest Rank Claimed:

Sergeant (E-5) 

End of Active Service:

"On May 7. 1967, I was treansferred from BFA Nellis to BFA Binh Thuy in South Vietnam. I stayed in Binh Thuy from May 7, 1967 to May 8, 1968.  After completing my duty trip to Vietnam, I returned to the US and was Honorably Discharged from the USAF on May, 8 1968 at BFA Travis, California."

Previous Investigation:

An August 8, 2005 article by Michael Salla states that a researcher and airline pilot David Coote was able to contact Charles Hall through a woman named Paula Harris. Harris then facilitated contact with three witnesses.

The article details the testimony of witnesses "A,B, and C" who each claimed they were stationed in the USAF in the same area of Indian Springs, NV at about the same time period as Hall during the 1960s.

The only other person to investigate Hall to my knowledge was the aforementioned David Hilton.

Binh Thuy Air Base:

Binh Thuy Air Base 1967

I have cross-referenced the dates provided by Hall including the citation of his Air Force Commendation Medal (11 May 1967 to 11 March 1968) with the history of Binh Thuy Air Base in 1967-68.

"On 20 February 1966, a VC mortar attack on the base was stopped by fire from one of the base's AC-47s as was another mortar attack on 8 July.[6]: 41–2 

On 7 May 1967, A VC attack on Binh Thuy Air Base destroyed four RVNAF A-1H Skyraiders and two UH-34s.[43]

On 14 October 1967 following the activation of the 14th Air Commando Squadron at Nha Trang Air Base the AC-47s of E Flight, 4th Air Commando Squadron were replaced by 5 AC-47s of D Flight 14th Air Commando Squadron.[6]: 56 

During the Tet Offensivein January 1968 Viet Cong (VC) forces attacked the base with mortar and rocket fire and on 13 February launched a ground attack on the base which was repulsed by USAF Security Police for no US or South Vietnamese losses."[8]

Sam Pyle:

In a short article written in 2000,  Sam Pyle, a member of the USAF 632nd Security Police Squadron stationed at Binh Thuy Air Base from May 1967-May 1968, described his experiences during an early Tet mortar attack on February 4th, 1968.  



In his first book, Charles Hall claims he reported to Bihn Thuy as "Airman Second Class "Charles Baker"

"As I stood watching, an Air Force master sergeant in his early 30’s got out from a dark blue USAF van parked nearby. He greeted me as he approached, “I’m Master Sergeant Walters. You’re Airman Charles Baker, aren’t you?” “Yes,” I responded. “I’m Airman 2nd Class Charles Baker, reporting for duty.” “Place your duffel bag in the van, and we’ll get started,” he responded. “We have a mighty long drive down to the southwest to get to the Desert Center Air Base. It’s several hundred miles. We’ll have to make good time if we intend to arrive before the chow hall closes.”

Hall, Charles James. Millennial Hospitality (pp. 8-9). AuthorHouse. Kindle Edition.

Questions and Concerns:

Why were no records found for Hall at NPRC?

 - An NPRC Archives/Records Technician would verify that there is enough information required to process the request. If any of the required information is incorrect or missing, the request cannot be processed. These include Full name, Date and Place of birth, service branch, and dates of service.

Since Hall's record falls into the "Archived Record" category and is not digitized, the Archives Technician would have to physically retrieve his entire record Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). I don't know exactly what happened but the SF-180 sent by David Hilton appeared to have all the required information. But was the information Hilton submitted (provided by Hall) correct?

Was his record destroyed in the 1973 NPRC fire?

No. According to the NPRC:  
"The losses to federal military records collection included:75% loss to records of U.S. Air Force personnel discharged from September 25, 1947, to January 1, 1964, with names alphabetically after Hubbard, James E."

Why would Hall refuse to provide researchers a redacted copy of his DD-214 as proof of service?

Researcher and YouTube creator Steven Cambian states in this video that he had contacted Charles Hall on multiple occasions requesting Hall provide a redacted form of proof of his military service claims.@1:36:20


Cambian reported that after confronting Hall that no record was found (by David Hilton who had previously found no record from NPRC of Hall's military service history in 2015).  Charles Hall told Cambian that his records were "Top Secret" and  "You don't have a need to know."

Why would Hall provide a false date of birth or other false information required by NPRC to process a FOIA request for his releasable service details?

Because he is hiding something.  Hall has produced photos supposedly taken of himself in Vietnam as well as certificates and awards. But I believe he may be hiding his actual military MOS or duty assignments prior to or serving in Vietnam.

If it were proven he was not a USAF Weather Observer stationed at Nellis, AFB, then his "Tall Whites Aliens" story is a total lie. And Michael Salla who promoted "witnesses A, B, and C" by David Coote, and others, (including Hall's wife and Paula Harris) are all complicit in the lie.  

 For the last 20 years, I have investigated dozens of cases of suspected fraudulent military service claims. Each is unique and some are very complicated. I learned early the hard way never to accuse an actual Veteran of false claims without providing absolute documented evidence.

Mr. Charles J. Hall will have my benefit of the doubt until the facts are obtained.

Wait, what's this: February 19, 2019:


On July 9, 2023, I Submitted a request for Charles Halls' record to the NPRC using Vetrecs and the same details of Hall submitted by David Hilton in 2015. I received the following notification and official response letter on July 11, 2023.

A follow-up FOIA request was submitted to the NPRC (Vetrecs) on July 11, 2023, using updated information on Halls' DOB, Place of Enlistment, and Place of Discharge. Halls' awards/decorations, duty assignments, and education were specifically requested.

That request was received but has yet to be processed as of July 21, 2023.

Update:  December 18, 2023:

A response to a July 11, 2023 follow-up request from NPRC Vetrecs was received today, showing no record of service found for Charles James Hall.

The July 11 follow-up request included a link to the information contained in this specific blog post. 


It is my belief that Charles James Hall created an elaborate hoax resulting in a documentary film featuring his fictional claims of military service to establish credibility for his bizarre experiences with Aliens for fame and monetary gain.


Charles Hall