Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Peter Moon - Long Time grifter and supporter of hoaxes has separated himself from Douglas Dietrich

Peter Moon, (Vincent Barbarick) the aging, discredited former Scientologist and fiction writer of the debunked "Montauk Project" series and promoter of the "Philadelphia Experiment" hoax has apparently separated himself from Douglas Dietrich.

Moon became a fixture as a guest and co-host of Dietrich's YouTube channel in 2018. But he abruptly distanced himself from Dietrich recently due to reported family and personal medical issues.  

The public statement by Moon as presented by Douglas Dietrich (no date was provided):

"Due to a medical emergency, Peter Moon will no longer be participating in his regular podcasts with Douglas Dietrich.  This has also resulted in the book being postponed.  He also wants you to know that his departure is not a condemnation or protest of the work he has been involved in with Douglas.  Peter is in good hands with practitioners and friends who are looking after his necessary interests.  His Chi Gong (Qigong) practice has prevented any serious damage and he expects a full recovery."

Dietrich then proceeded to predicate his latest attacks on Moon by relating a bizarre series of reasons for accusing Moon of involvement in the "Dark Arts". He claimed, as he previously had against US Army SFC Jonn Lilyea, 
(Ret), that Moon had been attempting to summon entities or cast spells against him that "backfired" resulting in his recent heart attack and/or stroke.  

Dietrich claimed that over the past few months, Peter Moon had become "mentally unstable" or insane.  No mention was made of Moon's recent trip to Romania where he fell ill with Shigella-like symptoms for more than a week.  But Dietrich claimed Moon was practicing "dark arts" and attempting to cast "binding spells" - writing on and placing stone tablets wrapped in leaves and placing them into his refrigerator.

Douglas Dietrich finally stated that Moon's efforts had failed because of his previous possession by Lucifer (Melek Taus) at the Presidio Library during the "Night of the Broken Circle." Dietrich said, "I AM THE PROPERTY OF LUCIFER".

Dietrich claims Peter Moon also summoned an "entity" to hijack Hurricane Helene with the help of RKC and an unnamed Satanic cult in Ashville, NC to kill hundreds and destroy mining infrastructure. He later said this was intended to harm his "artilect", a fictional female AI created by himself in the 1980s now located in Taiwan.

Dietrich and his monkeys claim to have evidence that Hurricane Helene stalled over Ashville, NC, then was "supernaturally" re-directed to head NE toward New York, and exited land off the Southeastern coast of Long Island at Montauk Point, NY.

The lie is the "Narrative" 

The "narrative" being created for future use is a formation of defamatory lies based on a timeline Dietrich and his snot-nosed, sniveling, flying monkeys are creating of fictitious events leading up to and after Peter Moon's separation from Dietrich.

Their intention is to promote Douglas Dietrich as a victim and slander/defame Peter Moon but, as usual, Dietrich and his retarded flying monkeys fuck up the timeline and nothing makes any sense.

According to NOAA, the actual path of Hurricane Helene from September 25-28, 2024, shows that Helene dissipated on Saturday, September 28, as a Tropical Depression, and the remnants ended in Southern Illinois.

The series of Dietrich's recent YouTube live streams eventually reveal that Dietrich had used one of his unnamed monkeys to surreptitiously call/harass Peter Moon by phone and contact the Police in Long Island, NY to conduct a "wellness check" of Vincent Barbarick. 

Dietrich has used the same tactics in the past against numerous people after they began distancing and eventually disassociated themselves from him.

"The Book:"

A book that Peter Moon had spent 3 years transcribing and writing for Dietrich to eventually publish and sell privately for hundreds of dollars per copy as a "leather-bound biography and "tribute to Douglas Dietrich's life and work",  is now revealed to be another pathetically written and constructed literary confusion by Moon.

The bizarre work mentions nothing about Dietrich's mother's fictional sinister sexual involvement with Hitler in detail to establish his claim to be his son, nor does it mention Dietrich's previous false claims of service in the US Marine Corps or the SFD Police Department.

In addition to "publishing" a skeletal, semi-redacted/edited version of what was expected to be a book about to be sent to a publisher by Peter Moon, Dietrich continued his attacks on Moon for nearly a month on his YouTube live stream "shows" publicly revealing that his Romanian wife (Paula) had recently divorced him and that contrary to Dietrich's earlier story, said Moon had faked his illnesses to precede his separation from Dietrich.

Dietrich wasted no time, however, in gathering up what he had of the unpublished work provided to him by Moon, and hastily publishing the messy draft version himself as an "E-book"  using "Smashwords" 


He created a slimy "book cover" using a typical Asian cosplay image he published as being of himself while proclaiming in the title he is the "Struggling son of Adolf Hitler" and Peter Moon is the "Madman" who wrote about him!


These images are of the same female Asian cosplayer Dietrich used on the cover of his latest book:

Smashwords does not use digital rights management.  


The "book"  is a disjointed, rambling piece of literary shit typical of Peter Moon and his previous work(s) that has little to reveal about Douglas Dietrich himself, leaving huge gaps in his fake biographical history, and more bizarre historical and fictional topics having no connection to Dietrich at all. 

Check out the word salad mess of writing in the description!

"Struggling w / both his Legacy & having been born into inhumanly impoverished circumstances, the Biological Son of Adolf Hitler was led into an early Career that took him into Forbidden & Classified Areas under-Lïaïson to The Late Colonel-Doctor Michael Aquino involving Crypto-Top Secret Projects; his Experiences now woven into the Hidden History of clashing Civilizations & Forgotten Cosmologies.

The Biological Son of Adolf Hitler has been struggling with both his Legacy and his having been born into inhumanly ( as well as inhumanely ) impoverished circumstances that led him into life-destructive decisions involving Career Choices that took him , under-conditions of Professional situationalism , into Forbidden and Cosmically Classified Areas of Responsibility under-Lïaïson to The Late Colonel-Doctor Michael Aquino while Working – in both The Magickal and Bureaucratic sense(s ) – on Above-&-Beyond Crypto-Top Secret Projects that have ever since afflicted him with CPTSD ( Complex PostTraumatic Stress Disorder ) . The general outline of his Experiences are woven into the Historical Context of The Clash of Civilizations and Forgotten Cosmologies . Three hundred pages dost not do it justice and necessitates a Near-Future Revision , Expansion and Republication ."

Dietrich claims that Peter Moon became obsessed with the "blood boys" (a group of homosexual/transgender male, teenage orphans Dietrich uses for his vampiric lust for blood kept on a secret private "Estate" somewhere in Silicon Valley) and wanted to obtain the "Vox Arca" for himself.  

The "Vox Arca" according to Douglas Dietrich, is a black-magic device in the form of a mask, made of various dead human and animal body parts that are used in rituals to summon "the anti-gods".

Dietrich claims he stole the Vox Arca from Michael Aquino and the "mask" is capable of causing the destruction of the world. But it is obvious that he uses various Asian cosplay images he claims to be his own to portray his fiction.  

These images were included with Dietrich's comments in the book Moon refused to publish:

"Whenever I run diagnostics on the Vox Arca, there is the potential to trigger a limited incursion of the Anti-gods. While this does not necessarily mean destruc- tion of the fabric of time and space in our regional uni- verse, it is enough to change the world as we know it, and by that, I mean to change it completely."

"Putting it on is risky in itself because I can feel where it pinches as its tendrils extend to my throat and cheeks. A false move or two, and I could lose my capacity to speak. I also take a pig’s heart, the closest thing to a human heart, and feed it into the grinding mechanism of the Vox Arca. This prevents it from grinding my tongue whereupon I will reward it with another heart from a pig". - Chapter 28, "Equity of the Gods"

Dietrich and his current group of "flying monkeys" continue to attack and slander Vincent Barbarick and others using his YouTube channel.

UPDATE: October 15, 2024

This notification by Smashwords.com for Dietrich's book has appeared within the past 24 hours.  

Dietrich has posted the link as a comment following his Livestream which ended at approximately 9 am EST today.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdOISa8-f54&t=41979s

One of his monkeys "El Nemo" posted the same link in the live comments several times during the night and just before the stream ended at 9 am EST.

Dietrich has not yet removed the link he posted as his comment. or the links posted by "El Nemo".

Is Dietrich intentionally misleading his viewers to click on the link to purchase his non-existent BS book?  Or is he not aware that the book has been removed by Smashwords.com?

I believe that the "book" may have been removed without his knowledge during his own livestream!

Could Vincent Barbarick (Peter Moon) have submitted a written complaint to Smashwords.com alleging copyright infringement and defamation by Douglas Dietrich?


- Did Douglas Dietrich violate Smashwords.com Terms of Service when he published a version of the book being written and edited by Moon without his consent?

- Did Dietrich's use of the book's title also constitute a "Defamatory" infringement of Peter Moon's work?

- Has Dietrich committed fraud by publishing an unauthorized version of Peter Moon's work and receiving 85% of each sale ($8.50) in royalties?

October 17.2024

Despite Smashwords.com posting the book as being "no longer published" or for sale, Dietrich is continuing to post the link on his YT channel:  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1625001

His hasty publishing of a doctored, electronic version of Peter Moon's work, including the addition of a title and plagiarized cover image, occurred after September 28, 2024, and remained published for sale for only two weeks. Yet Dietrich has either ignored or disregarded Smashwords.com's removal of the book.

Like most of Dietrich's obvious lies and deceptions, it is only a matter of time before he will be forced to explain why he is offering a link to sell a book that does not exist!

October 20, 2024

Dietrich now admits his hastily ill-published book was "delisted" from Smashwords.com and claims Peter Moon is responsible.  He is now inciting his YouTube viewers to file complaints on his behalf:


  1. Very interesting stuff. I became interested in Dietrich only because of Moon's Montauk series, but quickly realized something was very wrong there - both with the Montauk storyline and Dietrich, but I had no idea how bad until I went to Dietrich's webpage. My question to you is: why are you so interested in discrediting this guy(?), as he's clearly unwell. Thanks for your time.

    1. My investigation and exposure of Vincent Barbarick (Peter Moon) and his involvement with Douglas Dietrich was published years before he recently became "unwell". Moon and Dietrich have both discredited themselves. I contend that both Barbarick and Dietrich have been psychologically "unwell" for decades prior to my investigations of them.
