Thursday, July 8, 2021

Douglas Dietrich and The Evans F. Carlson "commie" USMC Lie

Life Magazine, September 1943

Dietrich claims that WW2 began on December 12, 1937 in Nanking, China "following an attack on a peace conference between the Japanese and Chinese which began on Dec 11. "

1:28:00- 1:39:30

Dietrich claims that US Marines under the command of then Capt. Evans Fordyce Carlson 

disguised themselves as "communist guerrillas" in black "coolie" Chinese clothes and attacked the Japanese, destroying the peace negotiations and resulting in the Japanese attacking and sinking the USS Panay (PR5)

and the HMS Ladybird

and HMS Bee

Dietrich further asserted that the "action" by Carlson (and by extension the United States and Great Britain) resulted in the Japanese attack and massacre of Nanking.

I will be refuting Dietrich's recent claim in an upcoming blog post, paying considerable attention to the history and whereabouts of Carlson at that time, and the nature and extent of his previous involvement in China.

I am awaiting a response from Primary Sources and am required to do quite a bit of reading and searching.

Note:  This claim against Carlson and the USMC by Dietrich is unprecedented 

Despite over 80 years of meticulous historical documentation and accusations that Carlson was a communist.  I have not found any reference to Carlson being in command of a surreptitious Marine Corps unit in China in 1937 or that the Japanese interrogated anyone who had participated in such action or had implicated Carlson in any attempt to organize such an attack on the Japanese. 

In fact, the historical record shows it was the Japanese who had given the Chinese an ultimatum to surrender or face attack in no uncertain terms even as they continued to attack and invade.

Dietrich has also claimed the "Flying Tigers" (Ist AVG) were illegal and that the document "JB-355" is proof the US intended to bomb mainland Japan on December 8. 1941.

(A document he also claims to have incinerated in the basement of the Presidio Post Library in the 1980s as a teenage DoD Librarian which he read about in an article in Soldier of Fortune Magazine that later surfaced in  the National Archives and had brief national attention.)

A library that had no basement and no incinerator.

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