Monday, October 21, 2019

Dietrich admits his sister is not dead!

During his bizarre birthday shit-show, Dietrich regurgitated and embellished upon the ridiculous claim that he has a "device" called the "VOX ARCHA" which gives him the power to destroy the entire world.  

But this time, Dietrich claims that his elder sister has an exact copy of the device!  He has never made this claim in any of his previous and rare mentions of his sister.  Dietrich is now claiming that she is "publicly or officially dead" (whatever the fuck that means).  Which is total bullshit because my recent investigation indicates the complete opposite!  I have found no public or official record showing she is deceased!

"And my' publicly decedent' sister, my sister known to be dead 'officially', holds the replicated redundancy mechanism."

Yesterday at 05:34:33 PM »

"Note:  There is also the fact that we have a consistent number of guests visiting this thread, some of whom may be communicating with Dietrich.
In either case, there has been no mention by Dietrich himself who could present evidence which proves I am wrong, or admit he has been lying about her being dead for some reason and then accuse me of stalking her."

(5:33:00 - 5:38:00) Dietrich mentions his sister at 5:36:00

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